Kyrenia Castle and Shipwreck Museum

Situated next to the Kyrenia Harbour, the Kyrenia Castle is a complicated mixture of building styles worth visiting in North Cyprus. Behind the Venetian castle walls you will find the church of St George, royal apartments, Byzantine chapel and French dungeons. The ship in the Shipwreck museum is estimated to have sunk around 300BC and is, to date, the oldest ship ever to be recovered from the seabed.




Bellapais Monastery

The Bellapais Abbey is truly one of the most tranquil places in North Cyprus. It was founded at the beginning of the thirteenth century. Most of the Bellapais Abbey that is visible today dates from the time of Hugh III. It is a beautiful and elegant building depicting Gothic styles throughout the stage of its development. A small courtyard is defended by a machicolated gatehouse.



St Hilarion Castle

St Hilarion Castle is another best place to visit in North Cyprus. The castle stands just above Kyrenia at 670 m. It was named by a hermit who once inhabited the summit. The castle was built on three levels. The upper level consists of winding and very narrow steps up to Prince John's Tower and royal apartments. It offers splendid views over Kyrenia and surrounding villages.



Buffavento Castle

Buffavento Castle lies about 16 km eastwards from Kyrenia. Situated at 954 m it is the highest castle offering the most spectacular view. A 6.8 km drive along a rough track is followed by a 45 minute walk up the mountain path. Largely ruined, it is an impressive architecture you should not miss when visiting North Cyprus..


Turtle Beach

Turtle Beach in Alagadi is a long stretch of sandy beach. The beach is signposted as it is here where the green and loggerhead turtles come and lay their eggs in the summer. The baby turtles normally hatch in the night. The beach is mostly visited by local Cypriots. Visit North Cyprus Turtle Beach if you want to experience local atmosphere. See



Karpaz Peninsula and Apostolos Andreas Monastery

Karpaz peninsula is situated in the nort-east part of North Cyprus and is a land where time stands still with miles and miles of untouched sandy beaches. Situated at the tip of the peninsula, Apostolos Andreas Monastery is dedicated to St Andrew, the miracle worker. Karpaz is also known for its wildlife including wild donkeys in Dipkarpaz Milli Parki - Karpaz National Park Wild Donkey Protection Area, Visit Karpaz as one of the most beautiful places in North Cyprus.


Salamis Ancient City

Situated on the east coast, Salamis is one of the most important and fascinating sites in North Cyprus. It was founded around the 12th Century BC and had a long development until its destruction by Arab raiders, earthquake and tides in the 7th Century. It is a large city comples revealing Roman buildings and architecture.



Kantara Castle

Kantara Castle was built by the Byzantines in 965 to rule the Karpaz peninsula after the Arabs raids. It stands at 610 m and is the most accessible. It was constructed around the entire circumstance of the mountain peak on which it was built. On clear days it offers splendid view on the Karpaz peninsula and Salamis Bay to Famagusta and other parts of North Cyprus.


Saint Barnabas Monastery

St Barnabas Monastery dates back to 1756 and the white domes are the local landmarks. It was named after St Barnabas, the Apostole. The tomb of St Barnabas is still a place of pilgrimage for Greek Cypriots who live in North Cyprus.

The St. Barnabas church has a rich collection of icons mostly dating from the 18th century. The basalt mill in the courtyard is from the Enkomi settlement and the other columns and stones are from Salamis. The rooms where the priests lived have been restored and turned into an archaelogical museum. It is possible to see a variety of works of art from a wide range of historical spectrum from the Neolithic Period to the Roman period. Bronze and marble pieces are also being exhibited at the museum.



Lala Mustafa Pasa Mosque - St Nicolas Cathedral

St Nicolas' Cathedral is the most impressive monument in Famagusta. Lusignan kings were crowned here in absentia as Kings of Jerusalem after they had been crowned as Kings of Cyprus in Nicosia. The cathedral was turned into a mosque by the Ottomans and named after the Ottoman General who conquered Cyprus.


Buyuk Han

The Great Inn is the largest caravansarai on the island of Cyprus and is considered to be one of the finest buildings on the island. Located in old Lefkosa, it was built by the Ottomans in 1572, the year after they had seized Cyprus from the Venetians. In the centre of the open courtyard is a mosque with a fountain for pre-prayer ablutions. It became the first city prison under British administration. After spending most of the 1990s being restored, the inn has been revived as a thriving arts centre, consisting of several galleries and workshops. There are also several courtyard cafes and souvenir shops.


The Selimiye Mosque - The St. Sophia Cathedral

The cathedral is noted as being the largest and the finest temple, and the most important Gothic structure in Cyprus. It is said to have been constructed over a Byzantine church called Hagia Sophia on the same site. The construction was started by the Latin Archbishop Eustorge de Montaigu in 1208. It was consecrated in 1326 and opened to religious service. As it was the most important church of Cyprus the coronation ceremonies of the Lusignan kings were held here. The cathedral was restored by the Genoese in 1373, and by the Mamluks in 1426; it was damaged in several earthquakes. The eastern section of the cathedral was destroyed in eathquakes in 1491 and as it was being restored by the Venetians, the grave of an old Lusignan king (Hugh II) was uncovered. The corpse was well preserved with a crown on its head, and items made of gold and documents on it.


Ancient City of Soli

One of the Ten City Kingdoms that made up the island at that time, Soli was probably founded around 6th Century BC. The ruins that can be seen today were originally built by the Romans. You can find a theater, remains of 5th Century basilica, mosaics and a base of the fountain once dedicated to Goddess Aphrodite. In the southern aisle there are fascinating geometric patterns.