Living Here
Driving Rules Last Updated 11 Oct 2021
Comments on driving habits in Northern Cyprus are not entirely positive but as long as you drive carefully and not overly fast you should not generally experience major problems. The roads between cities have been upgraded and are good, although small roads and those in towns still need improving.
Ideally you should carry your driving licence with you when driving and your tax renewal proof document should be kept in your car. Other original documents, such as insurance, log book, MOT and emissions certificate should be stored in a safe place and photocopies carried in the car. If stopped by the police, and you do not have the documents in the car you may be asked to produce originals at a police station within 48 hours. Failure to do so will result in a fine.
You must also carry two emergency triangles, first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher. All the normal regulations like wearing a seatbelt, not drinking and driving and refraining from using a mobile phone apply in the TRNC. Any infringements are punished heavily, especially for drink-driving. In addition, drinking (anything), eating and smoking are not permitted while driving.
TRNC driving licences are operated the same way as UK licences in that if you are convicted of a motoring offence you will receive a fine, penalty points and possibly a disqualification from driving for a period,
The TRNC system provides for a driver to receive up to 100 points, and once this number is reached a period of disqualification is given. However in the TRNC the points you incur are different from the UK. For example penalty points for a speeding offence will be dependant on the speed and they increase as your speed does! For using a mobile phone whilst driving incurs 15 penalty points.
So whilst the system is more lenient than the UK, you need to keep a record should you be given penalty points. When issued with a ticket for a motoring offence the fine you will be required to pay AND the number of points given will be on the 'ticket'.
All motoring offences where a 'ticket' is issued MUST be paid within FIFTEEN days - or the fine will DOUBLE.
Unlike the UK the record of a motoring offence is 'wiped' from the system after EIGHTEEN months.
“A sudden rush of new found wealth from the sale of land has led to ownership of powerful cars and 4x4s by people with little or no experience. Care has to be taken, especially near nightclubs and of drivers from mainland Turkey who are used to driving on the right.”
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