Living Here  

Deaths Last Updated 6 Dec 2024

If you hear of the death of a BRS member, please use the Contact page to let us know.

The British Cemetery Committee Kyrenia

Honorary President: Harry Fellows MBE

Chairman:  Andy May 0548 888 2560

Famagusta British Military and Civilian Cemetery

Cemetery Committee Chairperson: Ann Kelly  0533 860 7258  or 0533 860 7695

Iskele Expatriate Cemetery

Contact person:    Pelin Nalbantoglu      Work: 0548 810 1121     Home: 0548 848 1592

In the event of a death in North Cyprus of a family member or friend, would you know what to do? Click See More for more information

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The members of the British Cemetery Committee (BCC) are here to help you

What is the BCC?

Following the events of 1974, it was decided that a committee should be formed to facilitate the burial of foreign, predominately British, residents. Since that time the procedures have been refined and the British Cemetery Committee is now responsible for the maintenance of the New British Cemetery (opposite the Pia Bella hotel), and the Green Hill Cemetery, in the hills above Karaoglanoglu, which since 2010 has been the cemetery in current use.

The BCC is an entirely voluntary organisation and our members are unpaid. There are no undertakers or Funeral Directors in North Cyprus and we must point out that as this is a Muslim country there is no Crematorium.

Where is Green Hill Cemetery?

Take the bypass west from Kyrenia . After about five kilometres you will pass the large yellow Pound Shop on your right.  Then look out for the big blue gantry over the road before the roundabout.  Turn left, off the bypass, towards the Eron supermarket (there is a small signpost to the cemetery). Follow  the road left past the main entrance to the Supermarket and then turn right up the hill. There are small signposts to guide you. The track is currently unmade although we understand that a tarmac road will be laid soon.

What must I do if there is a death?

In the event of the death of a British Passport holder, relative, or partner, please contact the chairman or deputy chairman by phone. We will give you help and advice regarding official requirements and will be able to make funeral arrangements for you.

What does the BCC do?

When we are contacted about a death, we arrange to meet the Next of Kin, partner or friend of the deceased. This can be at home, or in a quiet local café or hotel if you prefer. At this meeting we will guide you carefully through the necessary procedures and regulations. We will then talk with you about the funeral and the choices available.

Our Green Hill Cemetery is open to all denominations, or none. We can arrange for a Chaplain, Pastor or Priest to lead the funeral if you wish. A Humanist service can also be arranged. We will listen to your wishes and do all we can to help at this very stressful time.

What about the practical arrangements?

The BCC will provide a coffin. At the mortuary we will carefully place the body of the deceased in the coffin and we will then transport the coffin from the mortuary to the cemetery. We prepare the grave site, backfill the grave after the funeral, and provide a metal surround and a plaque giving the name of the deceased, their date of death and plot number.

We will place the coffin in the grave and organise all aspects of the funeral including seating, car parking and guidance for mourners.

The donation required by the BCC includes all costs, with the exception of the hospital autopsy fee (should it be necessary).

As weather conditions make it difficult to dig graves during much of the year, the Committee keeps several graves dug and will always use graves in sequence 

What is the cost of a funeral at Green Hill Cemetery?

The donation required by the BCC before the funeral is currently £1400. This is to cover the costs of the funeral and the maintenance of the cemetery, and is paid in sterling cash on or before the funeral. We hope that soon we will be able to take card payments.

There is an additional fee (usually £100) if a chaplain is required. This is payable by the next of kin directly to the chaplain.

As the BCC is an entirely voluntary organisation, any donations towards the upkeep of the cemeteries, and the work that we do, are always very welcome and very gratefully received.

Helping us at the BCC

If you would like to help us practically in our work we would be very pleased to hear from you. We welcome offers of help in the cemeteries for which we are responsible and the preparation of funerals. Sometimes this can be heavy work as we share the task of respectfully lowering the coffin into the grave. We have ‘friends’ of the BCC whom we call upon frequently and are always very grateful for their commitment. We regard these helpers as crucial and trusted members of our team.

What is not covered by the BCC?

We do all we can to support bereaved families in planning and organising the funeral. However, we have no involvement in probate nor acquiring the death certificate.

When can a permanent memorial be installed on a grave?

As the earth sinks gradually after a burial, it is necessary to wait at least eighteen months before placing a permanent stone surround, and headstone, on the grave. We provide guidance on this, and will give details of recommended stonemasons.

What about tourists who die in North Cyprus?

The Next of Kin is advised to check their relative/friend’s travel documents, as most travel insurance offers free repatriation. The committee can advise on repatriation if necessary.

British Cemetery Committee members

Chairman: Mr Andy May 0548 888 2560 
Deputy Chairman: Mr Bill Grundy 0542 889 0072
Honorary Secretary: Mrs Heather Bealer 0533 870 0797
Honorary Treasurer: Mr 
Bill Grundy 0542 889 0072 (Lay Reader at St Paul's Cathederal)
Mr George Marek 0533 845 8634
Mrs Ros Marek 0533 845 8633
Mr Simon Trimble 0542 874 2355

Mr Kim Tyler   0533 847 4333

Please do not hesitate to contact one of us if you need further information.

We are here to help you.

What about British residents in the Famagusta area?

Famagusta has its own Cemetery and Committee, so please contact Ann Kelly on 0533 860 7258.

The Famagusta Military and Civilian cemetery was established after Britain took over administration of the Island from the Ottomans in 1878. The cemetery is located on British sovereign territory & its maintenance is overseen by Ann Kelly, the Cemetery Committee Chairperson. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission provides a small stipend for maintenance of the 20 British First World War graves. Nevertheless support from volunteers in the general upkeep of the cemetery is most welcome.

The cemetery can be accessed by taking the Larnaca road from the Ataturk roundabout which is adjacent to the walled city. After approx. 300m take the left fork and the cemetery will be found on the left hand side approx. 200m further on.

In the event of a death, Ann Kelly should be contacted by telephone or email (see above). Ann will arrange to meet with the next of kin or a close friend to provide help and advice regarding the required contact with authorities and to discuss options for a religious or humanist funeral.

Funeral arrangements include provision of a coffin and all arrangements for a service at the graveside. The donation required by the Cemetery Committee is currently £650 plus minor additional charges payable to the municipality for preparation and transport of the body together with the charge for a gravedigger. The services of a chaplain, if required, would be payable separately. Plots may be reserved in the Cemetery for a deposit of £100.

What about British residents in the Iskele area?

In 2019 Iskele Municipality provided a cemetery area for the burial of foreigners.  The allocated area is adjacent to the Greek Cypriot cemetery and can be accessed by taking the road from the town centre that proceeds in a south westerly direction and connects with the main road to Geçitkale. The cemetery is approx. 1 km from the town centre roundabout and 800m from the connection with the Geçitkale road.

In the event of a death, Pelin Nalbantoglu should be contacted at her work no. during working hours, at other times on her home number. Pelin is an employee of the municipality and will arrange all aspects of the funeral. If a religious service is required, arrangements and payment for a chaplain should be made separately.   

There are additional small cemeteries at Lapta and Karmi for which we have contact numbers if required.

Contact person:    Pelin Nalbantoglu      Work: 0548 810 1121     Home: 0548 848 1592


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