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Moving to the TRNC Survey

The survey has closed. Thank you if you participated.

The results of the BRS survey to find the key factors for British nationals moving to the TRNC are summarised in the table below.
As you can see, the climate, property/rental prices and the cost of living were the most significant considerations whilst business/work/education, to be closer to family and/or friends and TRNC’s lack of diplomatic ties ranked highest for not being a significant factor.

Many thanks to all those members that took part.

RankFactorSignificant considerationConsiderationNot significant
(%age of respondents)
1The climate74242
2At the time of moving, property/rental prices in the TRNC were value for money 70237
3At the time of moving, the cost of living in the TRNC was value for money 67267
4Came on a visit and ‘simply fell in love with the place’ 483121
5To be closer to family and/or friends 6985
6Business/work/education 4393
7Health issues 41482
8Lack of diplomatic ties with the rest of the world 41284

Other common comments made (that can be classified as a factor for moving) include: